Stained glass Kingfisher by Christina Arjune. Used with permission.
Spiritual direction is an ancient spiritual discipline of soul care in which the director listens prayerfully and helps the person notice their experience of God’s presence in everyday life. Spiritual Directors are specially educated professionals who have rich experience in guiding people spiritually.
Our task is to help people concentrate on the real but often hidden event of God’s active presence in their lives… not how to keep people busy but how to keep them from being so busy that they can no longer hear the voice of God who speaks in silence.” |
“Spiritual direction takes place when two people agree to give their full attention to what God is doing… three convictions underpin these meetings:
(1) God is always doing something: an active grace is shaping this life into a mature salvation;
(2) Responding to God is not sheer guesswork: the Christian community has acquired wisdom through the centuries that provides guidance;
(3) Each soul is unique: no wisdom can simply be applied without discerning the particulars of this life, this situation."
- Eugene Peterson,
Working the Angles: the Shape of Pastoral Integrity
(1) God is always doing something: an active grace is shaping this life into a mature salvation;
(2) Responding to God is not sheer guesswork: the Christian community has acquired wisdom through the centuries that provides guidance;
(3) Each soul is unique: no wisdom can simply be applied without discerning the particulars of this life, this situation."
- Eugene Peterson,
Working the Angles: the Shape of Pastoral Integrity
Spiritual direction has a very clear agenda: directing our attention to the presence of God in our lives.”
- Gordon T. Smith, Spiritual Direction
“Direction simply refers to the end goal of time spent together – that the directee would have a sense of direction, insight, or discernment form God in her or his life. The director guides the process but would never assume control.”
- Morris Dirks,
Forming the Leader’s Soul: An Invitation to Spiritual Direction
- Morris Dirks,
Forming the Leader’s Soul: An Invitation to Spiritual Direction
The assumption of spirituality is that always God is doing something before I know it. So the task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can respond to it and participate and take delight in it.”
- Eugene Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor
Spiritual Direction – A Brief Introduction by Dahlia Fraser